
You're up early this morning, Genius. You're my first human contact on this beautiful morning. I cannot ask for better. “If you can’t explain it simply,” said Einstein, “you don’t understand it well enough.” Bingo! That says it all. This is very inspiring. I have to think about it on a deeper level. Genius, how does someone my age really comprehend this viral messaging? I am trying to get it. You make it perfectly clear, but it is all about marketing oneself. Like Einstein said, If you can’t explain it simply,” said Einstein, “you don’t understand it well enough.” It baffles me and maybe because I really don't understand it. I need some youth around me I guess. It's nice being old school, but I'm not sure how it serves me now.



Bernadette DeCarlo

Writing has healed me in ways that I could have never imagined.